How To Install A Fire Pit - Home Decorating & Painting Advice

How To Install A Fire Pit


What materials do I need to install a fire pit?


To install a fire pit, all you need is your block of choice and LIQUID NAILS® FUZE*IT® All Surface Construction Adhesive (LN-2000) to get the job done. Liquid Nails FUZE*IT has an extreme temperature resistance, and will secure your blocks in place.    

Step 1.

Identify an area at least 10 feet from your home, with no overhanging branches or nearby trees. Make sure you check your local fire regulations before you start your project for any additional considerations.

Step 2.

Measure out your desired surface area. Depending on your surface, you may need to prepare the ground by removing the top layer of soil, or creating a sand bed.

Step 3.

Lay blocks in your desired arrangement, placing a 1/4-inch continuous line (bead) roughly 1.5 inches from the front and back edges of the blocks. 

Liquid Nails FUZE*IT should not come in contact with open flame.

Step 4.

Allow the adhesive to cure for 24 hours before enjoying your new fire pit.
Please refer to the Product Label, Technical Data Sheet (TDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for safety and detailed application instructions.